Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mitragyna speciosa - Peyote - Wouldn't it be fun to grow?

Isn't it pretty?
  Mitragyna speciosa - Peyote

Peyote, the Divine Cactus.  I know, I know...I'm not allowed to have this, but, isn't it pretty?  It is a lovely little succulent, and I do like succulents.  Strangely, only Native Americans who are members of the Peyote religion are allowed to own and use these. Lucky them.  Even if I was a member of their religion, I would still not be allowed to have these, isn't that racist?  Sounds like it to me. Oh well.  Just musing....

Mitragyna speciosa

To properly collect Peyote, the crown top (the "button") is cut off, leaving behind the long tuberous root which, over decades, will regrow new buttons. Peyote is legally collected by Native Americans and by peyote distributors who are licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety and the DEA to collect peyote and sell it to Native American members of the NAC

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