Inula helenium - Elecampane also called Yellow Starwort, Elfdock, Elfwort, Horse-elder, Horseheal, Scabwort, Velvet Dock, Wild Sunflower
In ointment form Elecampane has been used for muscular aches and pains. A strong infusion of the leaves, used warm, has been used to treat skin eruptions. As an herbal bath it relieves skin inflammation. A decoction is used as a lotion for scabies mites on both humans and animals. And it was once used by veterinarians to treat pulmonary problems in horses. The whole plant is used to make a strong brew to treat asthma in dogs (flat-nosed breeds being more prone); dose being 1 tbsp morning and night, sweetened with honey; also the steam from the boiled root is used to ease breathing.
Bitter, pungent, aromatic, expectorant, antitussive, hepatic, antiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, immunostimulant, Elecampane covers a lot of ground as a medicinal herb. It is a perennial plant, growing up to 6 feet high, with large, olive-colored leaves with white veins. The large, yellow flower heads are solitary and grow from July to September. Overall, the plant resembles a horse radish with a ragged sunflower type bloom.
is named after Helen of Troy
. As the legend goes, she was holding elecampane in her hand when she left to live with Paris in Troy, another legend says that it sprung up from where her tears fell. It was used in ancient Rome for culinary purposes as well as medication. Elecampane is native to Europe and parts of Asia, but it is cultivated all over the world. Research has shown that elecampane contains insulin that can provide bronchial relief. It can also stimulate the immune system. It was once used in the treatment of tuberculosis infections.
In Celtic folklore it is a favorite plant of the Elves
, although it is used to protect against Elvin magic
. It is also used to attract fairies
, despite being a big, rough plant and not at all delicate, as one would expect from a fairy plant. In Germany, it was traditional to put an elfwort blossom in the middle of a bouquet to symbolize the Sun and the head of Odin
, and the flower has the typical Sun shape (and the freshly harvested seeds smell like frankincense).
It was used by the Druids
and still used by Neopagans
in the form of incense in rituals for initiation and baby blessings. The root was once chewed by travelers when passing close to a polluted river as protection from whatever noxious substance was causing the stench. It is a stimulating expectorant, but one which contains buffering mucilage to soothe the airway passages.
For chronic lung problems Elecampane
has been combined with Wild Cherry bark
, White Pine bark
, Comfrey root
, and Licorice
. It has also been combined with Horehound
, Coltsfoot
, Butterfly Weed
, and Yarrow
. A root tea of Elecampane
has been used for chronic bronchitic infections, lung infections as part of overall treatment, whooping cough, emphysema, urinary tract infections, cystitis, hay fever, irritant coughs, asthma, pleurisy, excess mucus, laryngitis, weak digestion associated with mucous formation, diarrhea, dystenary, yeast infections (bowel), amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea (tea or candy have been used for both conditions) and intestinal parasites.
In ointment form Elecampane has been used for muscular aches and pains. A strong infusion of the leaves, used warm, has been used to treat skin eruptions. As an herbal bath it relieves skin inflammation. A decoction is used as a lotion for scabies mites on both humans and animals. And it was once used by veterinarians to treat pulmonary problems in horses. The whole plant is used to make a strong brew to treat asthma in dogs (flat-nosed breeds being more prone); dose being 1 tbsp morning and night, sweetened with honey; also the steam from the boiled root is used to ease breathing.
It has been used in China
in form of syrup, lozenge and candy for bronchitis and asthma. Pieces of the dried root have been chewed morning and evening to treat asthma. Known in India
as pushkaramula and highly regarded as an analgesic and treatment for lung problems. A European method of treating indigestion has been to sip on a cordial made by infusing the root with sugar and currants in port wine. In Russia the root is preserved in vodka for winter use as a restorative after illness, and for digestive problems. It has been used in Asia to treat cholera, malarial fever, dysentary, snake bites, insect stings, cancer, and nausea; a decoction of the plant has been used to treat thyroid tumor. It was once used by the Spanish
in surgical dressings.
Boiling dry roots in water on top of stove will freshen sickrooms as well as stale winter air. An infusion or decoction added to laundry rinse water will freshen linens.
When harvesting, the root is taken in the fall after the stem has died back (usually after 2 hard frosts), then chopped into small pieces and dried slowly, but completely, with low heat. Flowers are harvested when fully open, then dried whole for use in decoctions, infusions, and powders.
Elecampane can easily be grown from seed sown in spring or autumn or with 2-inch root cuttings in fall or spring. Perennial. It is grown as an ornamental plant in moist, well-drained soil, in full to part sun.
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